Ministry Teams

The Session of Peace Presbyterian Church diligently oversees and organizes the extensive array of activities within our congregation through various dedicated teams. Should you feel called to serve, we encourage you to reach out to Pastor Elizabeth to learn more about joining any of these teams and contributing your time and talents to our church community.

Administration Team

To manage church finances, review staff yearly, create related policies.

Adult Education Team

To provide opportunities for adults to grow in Christian discipleship through Bible studies, small groups, discussions, and devotionals.

Children, Youth, & Families Team

To provide opportunities for building authentic relationships and nurturing discipleship among the children, youth, young adults, and families of the church.

Congregational Care Team

To nurture authentic relationships, to pray for the congregation, with special attention to those in great need and, through the Stephen Ministry, to provide one-on-one confidential care to people after a divorce, a death, or another life crisis.

Earth Care Team

To educate toward better stewardship of God’s creation, to inspire via artistic maintenance of the Peaceful Path, and to find new ways to fulfill our commitment as an Earth Care congregation in the PCUSA. We are people who are motivated to respond to God’s call to be stewards of the Earth.

Fellowship Team

Fellowship Team

To host the fellowship time between Sunday services, encouraging conversation and providing a welcoming atmosphere for all who attend, along with supporting those who host congregational get-togethers and events that strengthen the joyous unity of Christ's Body.

Gratitude Team

To encourage and facilitate the involvement of Peace people in giving their time, talent, and treasure with gratitude in their hearts and to make sure gifts are recorded and people thanked.

Involvement Team

To welcome guests, build relationships with them, help them to become an involved part of the Peace family, help them move from community to congregation to core.                      

Mission Team

To embody the lifestyle of Jesus Christ by compassionate service to those in need by providing various opportunities for the congregation to give and serve locally, nationally and throughout the world.

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Outreach Team

To make Peace’s presence known in the community through website, signage, publicity, and special events, and to welcome guests warmly, providing follow-up contact to encourage their return visits.

Property Team

To manage and maintain the buildings and grounds, providing safe and comfortable facilities for congregational purposes as well as for approved community organizations.

Worship & Music Team

To assist the Pastor and Director of Music in providing inspiring worship that brings glory to God while challenging and comforting congregants.